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Molotof & Natas do Ceu - Clouds in Heaven

20 egg whites
2 cup sugar

Natas do Ceu:
20 egg whites
1 cup sugar
2 quarts
heavy cream
1 package
of caramel
1 package of
vanilla cookies

This recipe is courtesy of Manny Carvalho, owner of Churrasqueira Bairrada Rodizio

Preparation Molotof:
Beat egg whites and sugar until they form stiff peaks. Bake for 5 minutes at 280 degrees.

Preparation Natas do Ceu:
Mix egg whites, heavy cream and sugar together. Beat mixture for a few minutes until it is a good consistency.
Break cookies into a powder. Pour a layer of cookies, caramel,
then cream into cups. Finish with cookies on top. Put in refrigerator for at least 1 1/2 hours before serving. Enjoy!